2021/3/30 22:00
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N: Hello everyone. At last, it has been decided that I'll be a regular in Masuda's show, on a real radio. I'm looking forward to it. So far, I've recorded the intro twice, but I would like to get used to it as soon as possible. I will continue this Yomu Radio, but please also listen to the real radio. Today, I'll read the emails gathered from March, or was it February? There's no theme.
L: What would you like to try next?
N: Well, I've talked about it many times, but for now it's manga. Until recently, I've drawn things about hygiene, but after finishing that, next I want to draw an original story. But it's quite difficult to think of an original. Currently there's various things, but if those contents become more concrete, I'll draw it. That's why it's probably manga. I want to make it somehow. Sorry. See you.
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