2021/4/6 21:00
Normal letters
N: Hi. Today there's no theme, I'll read the letters.
L: I became an adult the other day. Is it fun being an adult?
N: Congratulations. Yeah, it's fun being an adult. Because you can do as you please. Students in compulsory education have a lot of things to do, so they don't have much time for themselves. That may be true for the rest of society as well though, I haven't really thought about it. Maybe something like the range of actions changes? There's responsibility, but you can do anything. If it is within the range of responsibility and rules and such, you are free to do as you please. You can do things you are interested in. It's fun.
L: I still haven't shown my real self to my boyfriend. What should I do to show myself as I am and become myself around him?
N: Eh, but if you want to think that way, maybe you have to make the move a little. I wonder why you can't. Even if you do it little by little unconsciously, it probably won't change, so if you can do it consciously it should be fine. If you can't tell him... Sorry! Until next time!
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