2021/4/8 18:00
Normal letters
N: Hi. There's no theme.
L: What are your little moments of happiness?
N: I wonder. Little happiness, right? What is it? Going to work, coming back home, seating down on the sofa, look at what I've recorded, and drinking a fizzy drink. It's really nothing, but I feel really relaxed. Also when I get in the bath. I have a waterproof portable TV by the bathtub and watch YouTube.
L: He reads my messages and doesn't reply, is he not into me?
N: How cruel. But I can't really say he's not into you without knowing the whole situation. On the other hand, if it's often unread it may be some kind of message, it may be kindness. It's hard. I get it. But there isn't just that one person. Yeah, let's look ahead (move on and be positive). 'Till next time.
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