2021/4/11 18:00
Normal letters
N: Hello. I'll read normal letters.
L: Won't you do a brighter hairstyle?
N: I've done a meche recently. I've been to the hairdresser's the other day, but they added a really thin meche so that it wouldn't be too noticeable. I don't think it's noticeable. Because of my hair quality, the colour stays for 3 or 4 days and the brighter areas are not so noticeable, but after one week the colour is gone and the brighter part comes out. Something like that. I think it's good, for a change.
L: What is the bravest thing you ever done in your life?
N: During a live, years ago, I did bungee jumping. I had to be brave. I'll never do it again though. I don't really have other instances where I needed to be brave. Surprisingly, I said I should do it, I think that ability to take action is very important. Surprisingly, it was like amazing. Sometimes I'm told I may be brave. I think so. Until next time.
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