2021/4/24 18:00
Normal letters
N: Hello. I'll read the mail.
L: Hello. I see you wearing flashy shirts' pattern as a stage costume, are your normal clothes also with a flashy pattern?
N: No, I don't have any flashy patterns. My normal clothes are all basically black and plain. A bit too plain, so my closet looks pitch black. I want to intentionally add some lighter colours rather than some accent colours, but I don't have flashy shirts.
L: During furlough I was really into anime which I hadn't watch before. Have you gotten into something for the first time?
N: Anime... That's true, I've spent more time at home. I can watch videos and drama streams online... There's cases when the drama aired on TV continues to the stream. I didn't use to watch dramas, but I'm watching them a bit now. Until next time!
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