2021/4/27 18:00
Normal letters
N: I'll read the email.
L: What's your favorite light bulb color?
N: Eh, you're interested in that? Well, a calm color is best. One that has warmth. Not orange, more like the LED in high school. I don't want to use it at home though, it is tiring on the eyes. By the way, even on-site and dressing room, for example, I turn off the lights as much as possible. By turn off I mean I turn half of the lights off. I want to make it as dark as possible. Electrical light is tiring. Also, Johnny-san taught me that the light in a stars' dressing room seems to be dark. Something like [does Johnny-san voice] "a star can't be too bright". It disappears in the night. It's also more relaxing. Relaxing for me it's at home. Everyone, please be careful, lights can be surprisingly tiring. I recommend a calm color. You must be tired today, so relax and have a good night. Good night.
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